Deinterlace Filter

DirectShow filter for deinterlacing using an Motion Adaptive algorithm.


The Deinterlacer performs deinterlacing of the uncompressed video frames using the Motion Adaptive algorithm. For deinterlacing the image, 2 fields are used before and after the current field. The size of the output frames can be selected. The filter also performs clipping of input frames: any rectangular part of the input frames can be cut out and placed at any position of the output frames. Parts outside the cut image are filled with the background color (with alpha channel) selected by the user. The filter has built-in support for several color spaces (see Idl\Deinterlacer.idl in the filter installation folder) and the feature of flipping output frames. Input and output subtypes and formats are user-selectable (see Idl\AVOConnection.idl in the filter installation folder).


  • Deinterlacing using the Motion Adaptive algorithm.
  • Choosing a threshold for the deinterlacing algorithm for a tradeoff between flickering and residual combing artifacts.
  • The selection the clipping region for input frames.
  • Several methods to set the size of the output frames.
  • The selection a mounting point to place the clipping region in output frames.
  • The flipping of the output frames.
  • Choosing of input and output color spaces and formats (the list can be found in Idl\Deinterlacer.idl in the filter installation folder).
  • The selection of the background color (ARGB or AYUV) to fill areas of the output frames beyond the input frames.
Specifications and description of user interfaces can be found in the .idl file in the \Idl folder of the filter installation directory.

See Also

You Might Also Need

  • Video Mixer - DirectShow filter for real-time mixing of video streams, pictures and texts

Action Items


Single Application License400 EUR

Single Developer License650 EUR

Team License950 EUR