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Jun 29, 2024. QuickSync Decoder. Major update to improve decoding of raw (MPEG-2 TS) and MPEG-4 (with length prefix) streams. Read more...

Jul 01, 2023. Delayer. The first release of the new DirectShow filter to delay uncompressed video or uncompressed audio streams. Read more...

Apr 06, 2021. Audio Level. Added Spectrum analysis feature. Read more...

Jun 08, 2020. MP4 & QuickTime Writer. Added support for HEVC and MPEG-2 streams. Read more...

May 22, 2020. QuickSync Encoder. The first public release of the new DirectShow filter for encoding 8-bit 4:2:0 progressive or interlaced video frames in HEVC, H264 or MPEG-2 formats. Read more...

Mar 10, 2020. Deinterlacer Filter. Filter completely rewritten and expanded to support many new features. Read more...

May 27, 2019. WebRTC/RTP Server. Added support for MPEG-2 TS streams. Read more...

Apr 18, 2019. Video Mixer. First public release. Download

Mar 12, 2019. MXF Reader. Added support for Canon XF-HEVC files. Read more...

Our products are designed for developments in the area of digital multimedia based on Windows platform. They will help developers create fast and reliable multimedia applications easily integrated in any infrastructure.

We are specializing in development of DirectShow filters and multimedia software. We have a great experience in this area as we are working hard in this direction since 2003 (DSFilters.com, Medialooks.com). All of our filters are based on our own template library, which uses ATL and provides substitution for Microsoft DirectShow base classes. This library was developed in 2003 and has been improving ever since.

With DirectShow and other technologies, wide range of our products includes different splitterrs, decoders, encoders, mixers, special, network and freeware filters. They are all optimized for speed and available for integration into custom end-user applications. They support 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft OS Windows and are based on ATL COM-objects. One of the most notable feature of our products is smart and powerful usage of multithreading technologies.

Our products are already used in hundreds of applications all over the world. We provide quality technical support related to our products as well as with issues related to multimedia development.

All AVObject trial versions are identical to the licensed versions so you can fully evaluate, test and work with all our products before purchase. The trial versions also include free email technical support.